Miniatures from the Time of the French Revolution 1789 -1799
Catalogue of Miniatures from the Time of the French Revolution(1789-1799) in the Tansey Collection, 2005
The Tansey Collection Foundation’s third catalogue introduces european miniatures from the years of the french revolution. Colour representations of original size and well-founded texts guide through this magnificent coloured book.
This volume is published to accompany an exhibition devoted to european miniature portraits from the period of the french revolution. During these eventful times remarkably many miniature portraits have been created. The uncertain circumstances sparked the interest in portable and personal portraits. Furthermore the artists living conditions changed: many lost their patrons, and were required to compete on the open market. This volume presents 169 miniatures in coloured representations of original size, together with accompanying texts and references to the provenance of corresponding literature. Besides the catalog it covers essays on the french revolution, fashion history, as well as previously unreleased researches on the situation of miniaturists of the appropriate time. Just as the 2 previous volumes this volume addresses collectors and art lovers alike, and at the same time it is a compendium of this special chapter in the history of art.
Text: German
420 pages, 183 illustrations in colour and 25 in black and white. 23 x 29.5 cm, linen
Recommended price 15,00 EUR
(for orders from the Bomann-Museum,
plus shipping costs)
ISBN : 978-3-7774-2475-0
2005, Hirmer Verlag GmbH, Munich
Essays: Bernd Pappe: Miniature Painters as Inventive Artists in Paris during the Revolutionary Period: Large Size Miniatures, Drawings à la manière noire and Physionotraces Bernd Pappe: Miniatures in the Paris Salons of the Revolutionary Years Juliane Schmieglitz-Otten: Fashion of the Revolutionary Period Philippe de Carbonnières: The French Revolution - An Overview
Picture Descriptions: Bernd Pappe, Juliane Schmieglitz-Otten Technical Information: Rosalind Bucher, Edwin Bucher, Bernd Pappe Chief Editors: Juliane Schmieglitz-Otten, Bernd Pappe Photography: Birgitt Schmedding Digital Image Editing: Birgitt Schmedding